
F-Zero: GP Legend

F-Zero: GP Legend is a futuristic racing video game for the Game Boy Advance handheld. Developed by Suzak Inc., it was released in Japan in 2003 and in ...

F-Zero Farukon Densetsu (Anime) | F-Zero Facts Wiki

Ryu Suzaku (Rick Wheeler in the 4Kids English Dub) is a former F1 racer and New York police detective that awakens in the year 2201.

F-Zero: GP Legend (TV series) - F-Zero Wiki

A TV anime series based on Nintendo's F-Zero franchise. It is a reboot of the franchise taking place in the year 2201.

The Legend of Falcon - F

The Legend of Falcon (ファルコン伝説, 'Farukon no densetsu') is the final episode of the F-Zero: GP Legend anime.

F-Zero: GP Legend (anime) - F

A TV anime series based on Nintendo's F-Zero franchise. It is a reboot of the franchise taking place in the year 2201.

F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu - GP Legend

Synopsis. Rick Wheeler was a police detective who got into a fatal car accident while pursuing the criminal Zoda. He was placed into artificial coldsleep for ...

F-Zero: Farukon densetsu (TV Series 2003–2004)

評分 6.8/10 (22) F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu (known in America as F-Zero: GP Legend) is the only anime adaptation of the once great racing franchise, and the source material for ...

To those who've watched all 51 episodes of F

To those who've watched all 51 episodes of F-Zero Falcon Densetsu (The Legend Of Falcon) tell me, What's your favorite episode? Question.

F-Zero The Legend of Falcon Lap 1

F-Zero The Legend of Falcon Lap 1 - Legendary Start [Subbed][ENG][POR][SPA] · Comments380. Aura Fox. Am I ...


Episodes from the english dub of F-Zero Falcon Densetsu. · F-Zero GP Legend episode 1 · F-Zero GP Legend episode 2 · F-Zero GP Legend episode 3.


F-Zero:GPLegendisafuturisticracingvideogamefortheGameBoyAdvancehandheld.DevelopedbySuzakInc.,itwasreleasedinJapanin2003andin ...,RyuSuzaku(RickWheelerinthe4KidsEnglishDub)isaformerF1racerandNewYorkpolicedetectivethatawakensintheyear2201.,ATVanimeseriesbasedonNintendo'sF-Zerofranchise.Itisarebootofthefranchisetakingplaceintheyear2201.,TheLegendofFalcon(ファルコン伝説,'Farukonnodensetsu')isthefi...